Monday, February 23, 2009

Wedding Thank You Notes: Part 1

(click image to enlarge)

Writing thank you notes doesn't have to be a nightmarish chore! With a few tips you can have your thank you cards out in a timely manner with no stress. And in case any of you have already tuned out thinking you don't really need to send out thank you notes...tune back in because they're one of the most personal and intimate (and important details) of your wedding. It's a great chance to reconnect with your guests and your gratitude for their time, expenses and gifts will go a long way in friendship.

You can prepare to make your thank you writing even easier if you start early. How early you ask? I'd recommend that you start planning even as you're creating your guest list. As you're writing your list up, be sure to have extra columns for gifts received and thank you notes sent. I made a sample list for you- you'll want to track:

Names of guests * Complete Address * Gifts given * Rsvp Number (write the same number on the back of the rsvp so if your guests forget to write their names you can match it up to the list) * Assigned table number (optional) * Number of guests attending * Meal Prefrence * Thank you notes- assign and sent

Next, be sure to have thank you cards at the ready. If you're having customized thank you notes to match your wedding stationery, be sure to order them to arrive at the same time as your invitations. Chances are you'll start receiving gifts soon after the invitations are sent and being able to send out a few thank you notes at a time (rather than wrestling down a giant accumulated list) will really help- so be ready with your stationery at hand.

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