Monday, December 22, 2008

Ten Lords A-Leaping

(click image to enlarge)

I love dancing at weddings- especially when it brings in the culture of the bride or groom. I would prefer not to see any Lords A-Leaping, but it is great when everyone at your wedding can have a great time dancing. Here are some great ethnic dancing traditions that you may wish to incorporate into your wedding. They're fun, festive, and will bring a rich-heritage tradition into your wedding reception.

Greek: The circle dance, called Kalamantiano. Be sure to shout "Opa!" as you dance! Also, dishes are smashed on the floor for good luck and money is thrown at the musicians.

Hispanic: A line dance, La Vibora, is traditionally performed by the single ladies attending the wedding. The dancers dance around the bride and/or groom. A traditional folk troupe can also bring a festive element to your wedding.

Indian: It is traditional to have a troupe of dancers perform at an Indian wedding, or friends who've practiced a dance, Bollywood Style.

Irish: Irish weddings often hire Célilí or Celtic bands to set the festive mood for Irish square dancing or Irish folk dancing. A Celtic band might include instruments like the harp, the fiddle, the mandolin, the flute, bagpipes and the banjo.

Italian: The Tarntella is the traditional circle dance for Italians. Also, be sure to break a glass. The number of pieces of shattered glass symbolize the years you will share together.

Finnish: "Dance of the Crowns" is popular in Finland. The bride is blindfolded and all unmarried ladies will dance around her in a circle. She takes her head wreath and places it on one girl. Whoever she crowns is said to be the next to marry.

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